We mention below the important projects that took place in our Community the last years or are programmed to be done aiming to the growth, the progress, the embellishment and the prosperity of our community.
Project s that are already finished:
- Creation of children’s camps of the Municipality of Strovolos at the Primary School.
The creation of the Municipality of Strovolos’ Children’s camp at the Primary School was completed in the summer of 2010. The camp can host approximately 45 children in comfortable premises. The cost of the project rose to approximately € 400.000,00 and it was funded entirely by the Municipality of Strovolos.
- Big irrigatory departments and drillings. In collaboration with the department of Water growth, irrigatory departments were done around in the community. These helped to a large extent the exploitation of bigger extents of agricultural ground from the residents and accordingly the improvement of their incomes.
- Improvement of the rural streets with concrete. This helps considerably the farmers for better and easier movement in their fields, but also the minimization of big damages to their cars.
- The Manufacture of the Community Park of Dymes. In 1991 with the concession of ecclesiastical fortune and the direct help and collaboration of the Emigrants Association of Dymes, it was achieved the manufacture of the Community Park of Dymes, in a green landscape with tall pines. The park can entertain up to 200 visitors. In 2008 its formation was completed with the construction of stone steps, new tables and benches for resting and wooden railings in the stone steps in order to become more beautiful and functional. Τhere has also been a reformation regarding the playground with new games based on european specs.
Extension of the Community Cemetery because of the lack of space. In 2008 the extension of the cemetary was completed. The cost of the extension came up to €80,000.
- Replacement of the water network of the Community. In 2008 the replacement of the water network of the Community that is dated from 1960. The cost accounting and its planning have been done by the Department of Water Growth and the total cost came up to €360,000.
- The Repair of the Municipal School and Extension of the Courtyard. Because of the bad condition of the roof of the Municipal School, the roof was changed and its two rooms were improved, and also the courtyard was extended in order to be used for various dancing parties and events of the community, once again with the help of the Emigrants Association of Dymes. As part of its improvement works, the Primary School’s entire yard surface was paved using local stone.
- The Repair of the old church of the community. The old church of the community that is dated from 1861 is included in the preservable churches of the Department of Antiquities. Because of the very bad condition of the roof of the church, it was replaced entirely, for the protection of the church with the help of the Department of Antiquities.
- The construction of a new church in the community. The big wish and the efforts of the residents and emigrants of the community made their dream real in 1997, by completing the construction of the new church. The new stone built church that is also dedicated to Ioannis the Precursor constitutes a real beauty for the community and for the Pitsilia region.
- The Manufacture of new water dam. It was completed in 2002 the manufacture of the new water dam, that will serve the increased needs of water supply in the community, and also it helps for the extension of the built-up area of the community.
- Construction of renovating projects. In the last years there has been more emphasis to the renovation of the community with the construction and embellishment of walls with local stones, in the main village roads as well as with the construction of traditional stone - made fountains.
- Gentrification of a traditional residence which will host the Cultural Centre of Dymes.An old traditional residence was bought and gentrified in the centre of the village to be used as the Cultural Centre of Dymes. This building includes an exhibition centre, a lecture / projection hall, a youth centre, a community library and a community infirmary. To project began in the summer of 2010 and was completed in the summer of 2012. It is sponsored by the European Union's Structural Funds and the Republic of Cyprus. The total cost expenditure rose to 750.000,00.
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COMMUNITY COUNCIL OF DYMES P.O. 72, 4873 Dymes Tel.: 25522446 Fax: 25522447 e-mail: [email protected] |